A Truly Memorable Moviegoing Experience Every Time
From a movie’s stirring theme music to the zoom of spaceships or the roar of racing car engines to the angry shouts and romantic whispers that deliver that perfect line, it’s the sound of the cinema that pins audiences to their seats. These sounds are vital cinematic elements that dramatically intensify the emotions of the movie-going experience. In the essence of keeping audiences fully enthralled, a HARMAN Professional cinema sound system that captures every audio nuance is essential.
HARMAN in Cinema
HARMAN Professional Solutions has been designing cinema solutions for over 70 years, with a tradition that stretches back to when talking pictures first began to take over from silent movies in the 1930’s. HARMAN products are a crucial component to the entire cinema experience – from post-production mix studios to the actual theater where moviegoers experience the film. With HARMAN’s industry-leading technology solutions, cinemas can deliver great experiences to every seat in the house. HARMAN offers complete system solutions that bring the world’s best technological advances in a range of products and price points, bringing a great moviegoing experience to every theater in the building as well as cinema lobbies, restaurants, and more.