Impact Students in the Classroom and Beyond

Higher education institutions comprise a wide variety of spaces, ranging from classrooms and lecture halls to residence facilities, theaters, and stadiums. All of these areas require technology solutions to help make an impact on the students who attend. HARMAN assists our education clients in harnessing the power of various, disparate technologies both inside the classroom and beyond by ensuring everything works reliably and cohesively. HARMAN’s innovative audio, video, lighting, and control solutions allow instructors to focus on learning rather than the technology they are using.

HARMAN in Education Spaces

Some of the world’s foremost institutions of higher learning rely on HARMAN. When HARMAN’s cutting-edge technology combines with a university’s innovative learning approaches, students in the room and around the world are impacted in ways never before possible. Beyond the classroom, schools leverage HARMAN’s unrivaled breadth of solution offerings to stand apart in every area of their campus. HARMAN can then bring those solutions together using AV management software that monitors and maintains the entire campus-wide system, ensuring everything works as intended.

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